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We are pleased to announce the Winners of Sammic Scholarship

November 14, 2011 Español  

Martin Berasategui will announce today during his presentation at the Alicante "Lo mejor de la Gastronomía"  conference, the winners of the Third Sammic Scholarship at Basquestage Project.

Of the shortlisted candidates, the winners are Ruth Escudero Selby and Elisha Ben-Haim.

Ruth Selby Escurdero is American and Elisha Ben-Haim is of Israeli origin and resident in the U.S.. Both have received culinary training at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA), Ruth E. Selby at Greystone (California) and Elisha Ben-Haim in New York. They have extensive experience in renowned restaurants and both are attracted by the idea of training in a three-star Michelin restaurant and to live for 6 months in the World's no.1 culinary destination.

Watch Ruth E. Selby's video

Watch Elisha Ben-Haim's video

Congratulations to the winners, we look forward to meeting you soon!

And the winners are... from BasqueStage on Vimeo.

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