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BasqueStage, a project come true

January 26, 2011 Español  

BasqueStage project, launched by Sammic together with seven Michelin-Star Chef Martin Berasategui, is on track.

The winners of 1st Sammic Scholarship Athena Thickstun and Tracy Chang are among us. After a really intense weekend, they have now begun their work at the kitchen of Chef Martín Berasategui's 3-Michelin-Star reataurant in Lasarte. To start with, Tracy has chosen to join fish section and Athena has begun in meat section. 

Throughout their stay, Athena & Tracy will have the opportunity to work in different areas of the restaurant and test the Sammic equipment that is used in it. They have arrived eager to learn. We are confident that this experience will mark a turning point in their careers, and proud to make it possible. 

Tracy & Athena. Su primer día en el restaurante Martín Berasategui

Tracy & Athena. First day at Martín Berasategui restaurant.

Tracy & Athena visitaron Sammic el lunes 24.

Tracy & Athena during their visit to Sammic headquarters in Azkoitia.

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