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Bread slicer CP-250: new utility

March 25, 2014 Español   Français   Italiano  

The cutter/bread slicer is ideal for establishments with high production and that need fast and continuous service: tapas bars, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools, etc.. You could even go further and say that the bread slicer CP-250 can be used to cut soap, as a test performed by a client’s request, show that we can obtain uniform slices of soap, introducing natural soap bars. 


The bread slicer CP-250
has an output of 8,400 or 16,800 slices per hour, depending if we introduce 1 to 2 loaves of bread, with the option to modify the slice thickness between 10 and 90mm. Its fast, smooth, easy cleaning and removable blade, makes it an indispensable machine for different types of businesses. 

In the video below you can see the machine in operation. 

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