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Lamb at a low temperature with Sous-vide and Sammic Vacuum Sealer

October 27, 2014 Português   Italiano   Français   Español  

We present to you a new recipe of lamb at a low temperature with sous-vide and vegetable osmosis with the Sammic vacuum packing machine SV-310.

In a previous post, Seve Diaz, from "Canarias Today" RTVC programme, showed us how to cook a delicious plate of lamb at a low temperature with hummus and French onions. This time, Enrique Fleischmann together with his team Fleischmann's Cooking Group, show us a succulent plate of lamb at a low temperature with vegetable osmosis. In the video, you can see step by step, the ingredients of the dish, the precise cooking times and the Sammic machines are used in it.

We hope you enjoy it!

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