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San Sebastian Gastronomika, photo gallery

October 13, 2015 Español   Français   Português  

We take these lines to thank all the distributors and users who have visited our stand, theese three days at San Sebastian Gastronomika 2015. It has been a pleasure to meet each one of you and we are very pleased by the interest shown in our new SmartVide8 and the large quantity of people we hade in the workshop on the sous-vide technique, advantages and applications of art,  by Enrique Fleischmann.


And for those who couldn't go to the event, we remind you that you can get all the information about the SmartVide8 and the sous-vide thecnique in www.sous-vide.cooking.

We have created a new set on Flickr, click here to see all the photos.


San Sebastian Gastronomika 2015 from Fleischmann´s Cooking Group on Vimeo.

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