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Sammic expands its network of subsidiaries to Asia

February 12, 2020 Español   Français   Italiano   Português   Deutsch  

We're happy to announce that, from now on, TePrimo Pte Ltd, with David Tan and his team, will be a Sammic subsidiary in order to extend our presence in Asia. In 2012, Sammic teamed up with TePrimo to foster a closer relationship with Asia. Now, in 2020, Sammic has gone one step further by making TePrimo a part of Sammic's network of subsidiaries.

Along with this, from 2020, we will be announcing new changes and initiatives to support our network of suppliers in Asia. We would like to use this opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing support of our customers and we hope to improve our partnership with all of them.

We continue to grow, we continue to be #TheRightChoice

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